Welcome, fellow educator.

Feeling trapped?  Do you have one foot out the door of your classroom? Has scouring the internet for new jobs become part of your weekly routine? Overwhelmed before you even begin your teaching career?  You are not alone. 

As educators, we are well aware of the importance of our work.  We believe that imparting knowledge and sparking a love of learning in the minds and hearts of students has lifelong implications.  We strive to multi-task, lead students on their learning journey effectively, and design engaging and interactive coursework. 

Contrary to the familiar axiom “Those who CAN, DO; those who CAN’T, TEACH,” we know that those who CAN, TEACH - and we are good at what we do.  We have always prioritized students and focused on helping them discover the keys to a productive and prosperous future.  

It is time, however, to back up one step and recognize that healthy classrooms come from healthy teachers. New and veteran educators now face significant challenges that reach beyond those imposed by the pandemic. These stressors have pushed many teachers, even those who love the profession, to consider employment elsewhere. IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY!  

Shine in Action is designed to provide powerful strategies and solutions that facilitate our work.  Click below for a sample of the Shine in Action workbook and to register and receive your copy.  

My course, SHINE In Action, is designed to help.

Early bird price: $150 $125 if you register by March 31!
