Welcome, Educational Leader.

How are your employees truly feeling about their profession right now? Do you know? Have you asked? What are you doing with that data? Are you taking a proactive approach?

A worrisome new trend is shaking the educational world - an exodus of teachers from a profession they chose and loved but can no longer embrace. The number of educators opting to “flee” the world of education has soared to an all-time high as teachers deliberately choose to quit and explore other employment options.

There are multiple reasons why educators - and even the most seasoned and veteran teachers - have decided to hang up their proverbial teaching hats:

  • The Coronavirus Pandemic.

  • Shifting laws around student attendance, accountability, etc.

  • Classroom management issues

  • Poor public perception

  • Insufficient support

Consequently, three vital questions have emerged and have rapidly gained public attention:

  • How do we build resilience in new teachers?

  • How do we revitalize our veteran educators?

  • How do we support teacher success and bolster a determination to stay the course?

My course, SHINE In Action, is designed to help.