American Education is in crisis. 

You don't have to be. 

Fact:  80% of educators indicate that burnout is a "serious" problem. (NEA)

Fact:  Only 10% of teachers would strongly recommend their profession to others. (MDR)

Fact:  Teacher Ed Programs have seen a 1/3 drop in enrollment since 2010. (CAP)

"A staggering 55 percent of educators are thinking about leaving the profession..." (NEA survey, Feb. 2022)

Feeling stressed out?  Burned out?  Exhausted?  Helpless?  Is your current teaching assignment driving you to question WHY you became an educator?  Shine in Action offers real solutions and strategies for building resilience and staying the course.   

Looking for powerful tools to strengthen, encourage, and revitalize educators in your organization?   Working with dedicated employees overwhelmed by the challenges of today's classroom?  Be proactive!  Find out how SHINE In Action can help.

"Determination + Perseverance + Adaptability = Success"